After the Second World War and the rise of urbanisation, it was necessary to supply the towns with fruit and vegetables: many orchards were created and land planted with beans, cabbages, turnips, onions, chard... In the 1960s, carrots made some families rich and we even celebrated the election of Miss Carrot. Horticulture developed in the districts of the seaside, before the rise of the cities one could see there large exploitations under greenhouse (tulips, carnations, anemones, roses).
Nowadays, the commune has succeeded in preserving its land, giving young local producers the opportunity to continue farming: in the neighbourhoods of Les Plans and Grand Pré, you can enjoy seasonal organic market gardening (La Ferme des Grenouilles and Jardin du Sapeton - see food shops) and local flower production (roses, lilies of the valley, citrus fruits).